As a key requirement, the need to minimise any downtime, and to reduce business impact was key to the project’s success. For the reason, the migration was conducted over a weekend, with users resuming work the following Monday morning.
As with all of our projects, our Project Management methodology was used to ensure that the transition to the new Microsoft environment would be as non-disruptive as possible. For this reason, the deployment was completed over three phases:
Design Phase
At the outset, a Project Definition Workshop was held to ensure that all parties and stakeholders were able to contribute to the Project Plan. As the virtual server migration, and cloud migration where to run in parallel, potentially business impacting risks were identified and mitigated, and Pilot users identified to ensure that the solution was fully tested before the go-live.
Build & Testing Phase
Once the new on-premises and Microsoft 365 cloud environments had been built, a thorough testing phase was conducted, comprising initial Operational Acceptance Testing, and User Acceptance Testing with users representing the various use cases within Jones Harris.
Migration Phase
Following testing, the migration phase saw all servers moved to the new Windows Server cluster, and users moved to the new Microsoft 365 environment. String consultants were on hand throughout to ensure that user disruption was kept to an absolute minimum.