Thinking About the Cloud: It’s time to call a friend

For over 20 years now, we’ve been helping our clients to navigate the ever-changing world of Microsoft.  We’ve acted as the experts, and as change agents, helping them to understand, and to embrace, the latest evolution of ‘how you do Microsoft’.  To some of our clients, we are their only source of guidance and input on what they should do from an IT perspective; to others we serve as an extension to their in-house IT teams, large and small.

Clients who join our client community today, are looking for help in navigating the challenges presented by choosing between on-premises and the Cloud.  It’s not, however, a simple, binary choice.  Instead, our role as a Microsoft Solutions Partner, is to combine our deep technical knowledge; our business experience across various sectors; and their particular business needs, to help them to plot their course over the coming years.

By being able to talk about the pro’s and con’s of on-premises, cloud, and hybrid solutions, we help them to both embrace the latest and greatest of the Microsoft Cloud; whilst ensuring that their investment (and requirement for) on-premises server technology is fully integrated into the wider cloud infrastructure.  We do this in the context of their desire for a wider, longer-term IT strategy that is fit for purpose, and for the future.

This is a short Blog, with a simple message.  If you’d like to hear how we’ve helped hundreds of clients across the UK to drive their businesses forwards in partnership with us and Microsoft, then why not give us a call.  Now’s a great time to call a friend, and all it will cost you is a bit of your time, and maybe a cup of tea if you want us to pop in to see you.

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