Why your next IT project needs H.I.T

Our Sales & Marketing director, Paul Kiveal, recently wrote a blog titled ‘Here’s to the crazy ones!’, and it resonated with me whilst I was sat with a client, talking about why we were chosen as their partner of choice. There were several partners in the mix and the client had a well-defined, thought through process, that enabled them to pick the right partner to engage with.

There are obvious, some would say easy “tendering” tests. Things like, do they sell a lot of the product or service in question, are they experts, can they demonstrate this? Are they in the ballpark price wise? But even with all those tests in place, it is not necessarily enough for the clients to make the final decision.

As we were talking, words like “honesty”, “integrity” and “thorough” came into the conversation and it got me thinking how I could use my copilot license to investigate these words in this kind of scenario.

Here is what I asked copilot:

“Describe honesty, high integrity and thoroughness when making decisions”

And this was the response, I have deliberately left the formatting exactly as copilot defined it:

A Guide for Professionals

Honesty, Integrity and Thoroughness in Decision Making

Decision making is a crucial skill for any professional, as it involves choosing the best course of action among various alternatives. However, decision making is not only about selecting the most rational or efficient option, but also about being ethical and responsible. In this document, we will discuss three qualities that are essential for making good decisions: honesty, integrity and thoroughness. We will explain what these qualities mean, how they can be applied in different situations, and why they are important for any professional.


Honesty is the quality of being truthful, sincere and fair in one’s words and actions. Honesty in decision making means that one does not lie, deceive, manipulate or conceal information that is relevant for the decision. Honesty also means that one does not act in a way that is inconsistent with one’s values, beliefs and commitments. Honesty in decision making has several benefits, such as:

  • It builds trust and credibility with others, such as colleagues, clients, customers and stakeholders.
  • It avoids conflicts of interest, legal issues and ethical dilemmas that may arise from dishonesty.
  • It enhances one’s self-esteem and reputation, as one can be proud of one’s decisions and actions.
  • It fosters a culture of transparency and accountability, where everyone can share their opinions and feedback without fear of retaliation or discrimination.

Some examples of honesty in decision making are:

  • Admitting one’s mistakes and taking responsibility for the consequences.
  • Disclosing any potential biases or personal interests that may affect the decision.
  • Providing accurate and complete information to support the decision.
  • Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of others’ information.
  • Following the rules and regulations that govern the decision.


Integrity is the quality of being consistent, coherent and aligned with one’s moral principles and values. Integrity in decision making means that one does not compromise, violate or betray one’s ethical standards and commitments, even when faced with pressure, temptation or adversity. Integrity also means that one does not act in a way that is contradictory or incompatible with one’s role, responsibilities and expectations. Integrity in decision making has several benefits, such as:

  • It strengthens one’s character and moral courage, as one can stand up for what is right and resist what is wrong.
  • It enhances one’s reliability and dependability, as one can be trusted to deliver on one’s promises and obligations.
  • It promotes one’s professionalism and excellence, as one can demonstrate one’s competence and quality in one’s work.
  • It fosters a culture of respect and dignity, where everyone can treat each other with fairness and compassion.

Some examples of integrity in decision making are:

  • Upholding one’s values and principles, even when they are unpopular or inconvenient.
  • Refusing to engage in or tolerate any form of corruption, fraud, bribery or misconduct.
  • Acting in the best interest of the organisation and the society, not just one’s own.
  • Respecting the diversity and inclusion of others and avoiding any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • Following the code of conduct and ethics that apply to one’s profession and industry.


Thoroughness is the quality of being careful, diligent and comprehensive in one’s work and analysis. Thoroughness in decision making means that one does not rush, overlook or ignore any relevant information, factors or perspectives that may affect the decision. Thoroughness also means that one does not act in a way that is hasty, superficial or incomplete. Thoroughness in decision making has several benefits, such as:

  • It improves the quality and accuracy of the decision, as one can avoid errors, mistakes and biases.
  • It increases the confidence and satisfaction of the decision maker and the decision recipients, as one can justify and explain the decision.
  • It reduces the risk and uncertainty of the decision, as one can anticipate and mitigate the potential challenges and consequences.
  • It fosters a culture of learning and improvement, where everyone can seek and share feedback and knowledge.

Some examples of thoroughness in decision making are:

  • Gathering and evaluating all the relevant data and evidence to support the decision.
  • Considering and weighing all the possible alternatives and outcomes of the decision.
  • Seeking and listening to the opinions and perspectives of others who are involved or affected by the decision.
  • Reviewing and revising the decision as needed, based on new information or changing circumstances.
  • Documenting and communicating the decision clearly and effectively.


Honesty, integrity and thoroughness are three qualities that are essential for making good decisions in any professional context. By applying these qualities, one can ensure that one’s decisions are ethical, responsible and effective. Moreover, one can also enhance one’s personal and professional development, as well as contribute to the organisational and societal well-being.

The right partner

Fascinating stuff, all of which brings me onto the point of why you need the right partner for your future IT projects.

These qualities are the foundation of trust and long-term success in any IT project. So, as you embark on your next venture, remember the importance of H.I.T. and choose a partner who exemplifies these values.

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